Hidup penuh dengan scandal..best keh?
You think I'm pretty without any makeup on -Katty Perry
“...vile women are for vile men, and vile men for vile women. Good women are for a good men, and good men are for good women; such are innocent of that which people say: For them is a pardon and a bountiful provision..” (An-Nur : 26)
-Simple person.
-Sometime tend to be introvert.
-Love all Hlovate's novels.
You think I'm pretty without any makeup on -Katty Perry
[Mode: Jay Sean - Down (Ft. Lil Wayne)]
Salam..aigo aigo..
Sem baru dah bermula..sudah habis seminggu..kini di minggu kedua..tapi tanda-tanda manusia berubah dek cuti sangat ketara..baik kau melayu..baik kau cina..baik kau india..semua sama..harap maklum..entri ini aku menyentuh perkauman..ini adalah pendapat aku semata-mata.
[Mode: Akon - Be With You]
This entry gonna be my ranting entry..if you don’t like to read it..your pleasure to press close button..and again..my blog always be my friend in story everything and because all human can’t be trusted..yes?FUUU~~
[Mode: Letting go - Sean Kingston]
Entri dalam kelas..
Student cemerlang..ngueh2
Material notes on the table..
Sebaliknye handphone..free wifi..agak laju..
Senyun-senyum dengan pen touch dekat tangan..
Ductile and brittle material menari-nari di kain putih..
Kelas petang jumaat..ahh..khamis tak boleh ke..
Otak bukan kat kelas..dem..dem
P.S: ni gara-gara nak hupdate punye pasal ah ni..oi tenet..kacau betei>,<"..nk focus untuk capai kejayaan -fuck- pun susah..ngueh2