:: Raya Mode ::
erm..Ari ni...digelar..hari raya puasa...opss...hari raya haji..he....(mode happy)
“...vile women are for vile men, and vile men for vile women. Good women are for a good men, and good men are for good women; such are innocent of that which people say: For them is a pardon and a bountiful provision..” (An-Nur : 26)
-Simple person.
-Sometime tend to be introvert.
-Love all Hlovate's novels.
erm..Ari ni...digelar..hari raya puasa...opss...hari raya haji..he....(mode happy)
Yes...I'm...still at casa subang...block A...17th floor...waiting...the time for me...to leave..
Hari ini..hari bersejarah.."Coroboree" buat pelajar2 SAM 2009..
Sama ada aku berfikir terlalu banyak atau diri ini tidak stabil..seringkali membuat migrain ku kembali..
Keseronokan kadang-kadang mendatangkan padah..tetapi disebalik kesakitan akibat beseronok menjadi saat manis untuk terus tersenyum.
Today...Nov 12..I guess..my 2nd last day myself in college...
Tomorrow, the most last and most tougher subject among my 5subject..
Specialist Mathematic..yeah..after 1 and half year I learn that subject...I guess..it was more easy than Mathematic..because..its more direct..and no statistic in it..LOL..
maybe..sometime its come to the worth part where got question that require a deep understanding basic concept and applying all those concept in 1 absolutely question...
Tomorrow..will be the last day I see all scenery that make me feel boring everytime I come to college..but..I will really miss those thing..1 and half years here..seal myself with a lot of memories..sweet memories..sad memories...nervous being representative..I will miss those thing!
Yeah...I really appreciate that I had been chosen to be here..as scholar student..because..I learn soo many things about life..especially..improve my confident level and my self-esteem..
Being social is important..because its really helpful..get to know people..and for sure..people will interested to know you also..I will miss you guys...seriously..especially..for those who's fly next years..
Yeah..but thats life..nothing can stop what being ordered by God..hopefully..we will meet again..
I dedicated this song for us...SAM students July Intake 2008...
Disini ada link ntuk sapa2 nak donload nk dgr khutbah jumaat adik nik aziz bg dkt Masjid Daruh Ehsan,Subang jaya..
19Ramadhan1429 or 19Ramadhan 1429
30 Oktober 2009 or 30 Oktober 2009
maaf atas kualiti suara yg agk kurang memuaskan..
How come..all goes in wrong way...those silly mistake suppose to be corrected..
I still not satisfied what I have did during 2papers that already gone..
Physic paper...got hole here and there...more terrible...8minutes before ended,I still didn't finish my 2nd essay...carrying 14marks!!!damn..what can I did..writing and writing everything that fly through my mind...so many grammar mistake I guess..yeah..direct translated..Please God...help me..give me enough strength for me...to do something that can fix my trial result...God..give me Your bless for those I did for my study...
...ESL paper...I really unsatisfied with all invigilator that suppose to be responsible that time..10minutes of reading time that we suppose to get..gone!!..10minutes such a long time and very helpful for me to finish planning my point for letter writing...After finish with that paper...I almost crying..my letter writing..I can't do it very well..
Ya Allah..hanya Engkau Maha Mengetahui bertapa beratnya ujian-Mu ini..Ampunkanlah segala salahku Ya Allah....Ameen...