I Hope You Like this...
You whisper in my ear
"We can't go on like this."
But there's something good about us,
I know it.
I'm not gonna give up on you,
But I'm not a little girl anymore.
If I could tell you how much I love you,
Could we be happy? I'm not a hero, you know.
Where I live, none of the hip skirts fit me.
But if you were here, I wouldn't care.
I see you, all confused and alone,
I try to look tough and I try not to care.
While deep down in my heart,
I can't stand seeing you like this.
If I could tell you how much I love you,
What would you do? I'm such a selfish jerk.
If I could tell you how much I love you,
Could we be happy? I'm so scared.
If I could tell you how much I love you,
What would you do? Maybe...
Maybe you'd know the truth...
You know...
Apa korang rasa..cuba tinggal pendapat sikit..paling kurang dua tiga baris pun cukup..jangan tinggal nombor telefon pulak..karang pakwe-pakwe anonymous ambil mengorat gua tak taw.
P.S: Komen yang ada link/url, gua delete direct, sorry, gua tak mahu blog gua dilabel google, blog spam.