Start everything after a tragic ending..
Disappointed...stress..my fault..stupidity...
those words describe ever though that I'm thinking now..
The end..no more...no less..regret of being so lame...Today...the day of judgement day for all SAM student...getting TER..to pass their requirement to further their study to aussie or some to NZ..
I'm..down..maybe..this time..its really hard for me..to accept it..speechless..1night didn't sleep...but..DISAPPOINTMENT is everywhere in my life...started with SAM..then my result..I lost my luck..in my study..
My friend did said... successful isn't permanent and failure isn't fatal...its true..now..maybe its time for me..to feel..even once..to be failure..but..until now..Its hard for me...to gain...back all my motivation..to start everything over again...
Since...nothing can't be change..now..i can feel..how hard to being loser...
Gud luck and congrat...for those can make it..all da best...
Start everything..with a new surrounding..after a tragic ending..pray for me....
Apa korang rasa..cuba tinggal pendapat sikit..paling kurang dua tiga baris pun cukup..jangan tinggal nombor telefon pulak..karang pakwe-pakwe anonymous ambil mengorat gua tak taw.
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